Friday, August 31, 2007

Great report from Biopsy!!!

The results from the biopsy taken today show no cancer in the mass on Kim's brain! It appears that the mass is the result of damage sustained during radiation treatments after brain surgery performed 8 years ago. At this time we are not aware of what kind of treatment Kim will require, but we think he will be discharged tonight. The Doctors have asked him to stay in the area for the next day or so for further evaluation. Kim is feeling a good deal of pain from the rigors of the testing he has undergone.

We cherish your thoughts and prayers. It's good to know we have so many friends interceding on our behalf. If you would like to contact Kim and Linda, you can leave them a note on this message board, but please hold off on calling them by phone for now.

Thanks so much!


Susan Cripe said...

Praise be to the Lord our God and Savior! Will be praying for the pain and recovery.

Ken, Diana, Daniel, Maria, Christina said...

We exalt the Name of the Lord together. He is gracious and compassionate. Let His Name be praised.

Ken & Diana
Daniel, Maria, Christina

Anonymous said...

My flesh and my heart may fail, But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever... But as for me, the nearness of God is my good; I have made the Lord my refuge, That I may tell of all Thy works. Ps 73:26 & 28


Steve Smoker

PS When is that truck coming back up I-81?

Anonymous said...

PRAAAAIIIIISSSEEEE THE LOORRDDD!!!! Whew that was just a "tad" bit stressful Kim!! You're NOT allowed to do that to us again - you understand me young MAN!!! It's wonderful to see the power of the Lord work again. What a testimony you have Kim!! You certainly beefed up my prayer life in the last couple days!! I love you guys and I'm SOO glad that this'll be over soon! Hope that good ol' headache will go away soon Kim! P.S. Don't coddle him too much you guys!! ;-D

Anonymous said...

We were so thrilled to read the good news today. Our prayers will not cease. We have been praying for you in our office. They remember your name from praying for you years ago when my mom worked there. God is faithful and He uses His people to bring glory and honor to His name. Hope to see you sometime now that we're back on this side of the world.
Michelle (and Dan) Russell

the lowe family said...

Praise God! I still will be praying for Kim and you guys, as he gets over the physical pain and they figure out what treatment needs to happen.

Jack Buttram said...

It's a bit trite I guess -- but nontheless true -- "We don't know what the future holds -- but we know WHO holds the future."
Barbara and I certainly appreciate all the prayers and concern of all Kim and Linda's friends and family. Thank you all for confirming what we know more fully about our great God and Father.
Kim' Parents

Anonymous said...

We were thrilled at the news. Your trust and confidence in the Lord during the time of the unknown was a testimony and blessing to me. Love ya brother!

Josh Winn said...

Kim and Linda,

This is Josh Winn (Doug and Linda's youngest son). Jeremy updated me years ago about the struggles faced by your family. We have been praying for you ever since and have trusted in the God's care of you in the absence of current information on your condition.

I can't tell you how pleased I was to find your blog. My only regret is that I didn't find it a few days earlier so that I could join with our brothers and sisters in lifting you before our gracious Lord. However, now I join with you in praising God for his mercy in finding out that the mass is benign. Oh, for the day when our redemption will be fully realized and our bodies will be resurrected (my dad was especially keen on that reality of our salvation).

My wife, Ariella, and our three children live in Dallas. I work at Dallas Seminary and am finishing my Th.M. this year. My mom has lived in Phoenix since my dad's death in '02. Julie and her husband live there also. You probably know that Jeremy and Elly (and their two kids) live in Colorado Springs.

As I read your blog I couldn't help but think about Psalm 136. The Psalmist marvels at the endurance of God loyal love in light of His uniqueness (vv. 1-4), His work as creator (vv. 5-12), and His work as Israel's protector and inheritance (vv. 13-22). Yet, I am always struck by the fact that we (as the reader) are inserted as the receiver of God's loyal love (vv. 23-26)--"To the one who remembered us when we were down...and snatched us away from our enemies." It is as if we are being challenged to join in with the praise. Such acts of God's faithfulness throughout history in general, Israel's history, and ours propel me to continue to recount God's loyal love. Thank you for helping me do that today through your story.

May our triune God receive the glory. I'll be checking for more updates. Drop me a email when things calm down ( Give my best to your family.

Jeremy Hunt said...

When Mark and Jessie Lowe shared with us that Kim was having trouble again, it really hit me harder that I thought it could have. I know this is just a quick comment here, but Kim's life and attitude really affected me during the time he worked with us at Union Mission, and my family and I are praying for him and his family during this latest round of trouble.

Extremely glad to hear the news today. God bless you guys!

Jeremy Hunt

Anonymous said...

This is awesome news. Amen.

Cindy said...

That's awesome! Praise God!

Anonymous said...

Dozens of strange(ers) brothers and sisters at my church are praying for you, buddy. God's perty cool, I think.