Monday, August 27, 2007

Kim is on his way to Duke

Kim & Linda went to Duke for a check up this morning (tests included routine blood work and a brain MRI) and returned home. At work Kim had switched routes with the other driver on his truck in order to go to Duke, so he was planning to drive the truck to Ohio tonight.

Kim received a call from Duke as he was preparing to leave for his route this evening and was told that he needs to come back to Duke to be admitted into the hospital tonight. They saw something on his MRI that was important enough for them to want him to come back right away. They stated that there was an "enhancement" that could be a tumor on his brain, but didn't share more details with them. They stated that a Dr would be waiting for him when he arrived tonight and that they would begin running more tests this evening when he arrives.

In the late ‘90’s Kim had a bout with Melanoma cancer. It first appeared on his face, but later moved to his lymph system requiring neck surgery to remove tumors. It then reappeared in his brain as a tumor which was operated on and successfully removed. He recently had another skin melanoma that appeared and was removed. So far, there is no word that this is cancer, but the family has lived with the knowledge that a recurrence is possible.

Jessi’s sister, Jodi, is driving Kim and Linda down now, they left about an hour ago (8:45pm). So, we need to pray especially for Kim... and of course for Linda, who is understandably concerned... and for the entire family.

As I get information I'll try to post it here as soon as possible. I hope the blog will help keep accurate information available to you all and to everyone who will be praying for Kim in the days to come.


Adam and Mary Clark said...

Kim and Linda,
Our hearts hurt for you guys going through this. We pray God's peace will be with you and we know His love surely is. We wish we were there to help out. Please know that both our families are close by in Chapel Hill and please don't hesitate to call on them if you need to--if you need a place to stay, etc. We admire you both and our prayers are with you.
-Adam and Mary Clark

Jack Buttram said...

At aproximately 5:45PM Tuesday -- Kim was scheduled for a spinal tap. Apparently they are trying to discover if there is cancer in the central nervous system. I'm not sure this test will totally do that... we'll post whatever we learn. -- Jack Buttram

Ken and Dee said...

Dear Kim and Linda,
Are prayers have been with you both and we rejoiced when we heard the good news about the surgery.
We will continue to pray for strengh and wisdom.
love and prayers
Ken and Dee